Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I just want to give a shout out to my sweet cousin, Kristin Torode. About a month ago she contacted me about participating in the "Shop for a Cause" fundraiser at her church. She explained how there would be a $5 entry fee at the door and all of that money would go to their church's adoption fund! How awesome is that! She then went on to tell me that she wanted to sew her adorable, awesome bibs (my desription, not hers- and they truely are adorable!) and sell them at the event. Each person who has a table can donate their profit to whatever cause they choose. Well, she wanted to give the profits from selling her bibs to our own adoption fund!! :) Not too many people selflessly choose to take time out of their own day, to serve someone else. She did though (and mind you she has 4 of her own little ones at home!). Can you say a godly heart! Her offer alone was such an encouragement to our family!

Wes and I thouroughly enjoyed this event! It was so awesome to walk around the room, looking at each table and see the beautiful crafts and products that were being sold.  Even better than that though, was meeting the people at each booth. It was so much fun to talk to everyone and hear about their "stories." Many families were in the adoption process themselves, and it was such a joy to hear their stories and where they were adopting from, etc. Adoption is not for the "faint at heart." I have already seen a few ups and downs and we have barely begun the process. So, it was just the encouragement we needed to talk with others who have been where we are now- at the very beginning and at a point where the road seems so long and possibly impossible. Just what we needed. God is awesome!

Thanks Kristin for your selfess, loving, godly heart! 
(my only regret is I didn't think to get a picture with her and her adorable table of bibs- *sigh*)  :)

1 comment:

  1. This is so wonderful to see the support you have behind you!
