Sunday, February 10, 2013

A tender heart

Not really too much adoption news going on to share. We have been playing phone tag with our social worker the last day or so trying to schedule our first homestudy. Other than that we've been cleaning out, decluttering, and pulling stuff to include in our yard sale fundraiser coming up in the end of March (March 23rd to be exact). Let me take a moment to add how BLESSED we have been by family and friends who have offered items for us to include in our yard sale! Wow! We have acutally never put together our own yard sale and we are about to organize a fairly large one. Go big or go home right?! haha ;)  Pray with us for nice weather and good turnouts!!

On another note I just wanted to jot down for my memory sake E's sweet prayer tonight at bed time. God truely blessed us with our little bit who has such a tender heart. While he was saying his "night night" prayers he added at the end, "...and God please don't let my brother or sister, who is far away, be sad or scared. Help us to get there fast. Amen."  Melt a momma's heart! :)  We might not know who our new little one is, but God does and we are all praying for Him to comfort him/her until we can do so. We might not even be close to having a referral yet, but E is already learning and growing into the super, awesome big brother I know he will one day be!

1 comment:

  1. This is so fun! I am thrilled for y'all and look forward to reading about your journey! Maybe our babies are over there together! :) thanks for your sweet comment...I am sad y'all had to go through such a hard season, and yet so thankful for His work in and through those hard times. We too have seen his faithfulness. He is good. And what a sweet prayer your little one prayed. Just precious!
