Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's been awhile...

So...I haven't written in this blog for quite awhile. I guess it has taken a little back seat to actually living life. :) I do however really want to document and journal this process for our little one and for others who find themselves wondering if God is leading them down this same journey.

What's been going on lately...
Well first about life in general: Our little buddy has started 4 year old preschool and he is loving it. Which makes this Momma's heart happy. He is playing soccer in a local Upwards league- which we love! He LOVES playing "defense" and does not want to move to far away from the goal. They don't actually have goalies, but he has pretty much claimed the position for himself. :) We just recently returned from a weekend beach trip and we are looking forward to celebrating the hubs' 33rd bday this week! I just realized recently that it is just about one year ago that we started our adoption journey. We told our parents our adoption news last year at the hub's bday dinner- wow, time really flies!!

Our adoption journey is moving along. We have completed our homestudy, completed our I 800-A application and we will be going to B'ham Friday to do our biometric fingerprints (sounds pretty official, right?!). We have also recently mailed in our application for an adoption grant from Lifesong. We are praying that we will receive one of their matching grants! No, we have not been matched with a child yet, and no we have no idea when that will be. We are hoping to have a referral maybe by next summer and travel by the end of next year. We have also done a lot more fundraising since I last wrote on this 'ole blog. We had a second yardsale- which raised $1000. We have sold jewelry (beautiful ceramic cross necklaces) and also made and sold AU an AL wooden door wreaths (huge props to my hubs for that).

What we have learned on this journey so far. It is hard... It is beautiful... It draws you closer to God. :)

Lately I have been thinking on the not so pretty side of adoption. The beginning part of a child's adoption story. The sin in this world that leads some children to be orphaned, abandoned, whose only hope of a family is through adoption. Adoption is beautiful- we see that in the Bible. As believers we were once lost, without hope, but through faith in Jesus Christ we are redeemed, forgiven, and adopted by our Heavenly Father. In this world, which is one wrought with sin, with every adoption comes pain, loss, grief, trauma, etc. Being orphaned or abandoned is not the best beginning for a child, to say the least. (and I am speaking on those children who were mistreated, abandoned, or left in orphanages. I am not speaking about the ones whose loving and brave birth parents chose life for their child and lovingly placed them with a forever family- that is a beautiful beginning). Some of these precious children have witnessed, and experienced more horrible situations than most adults have, and at such a young age. It hurts my heart. We are a people in need of a Savior. The hubs and I are not journeying down this adoption path in hopes of rescuing a child, because we can't do that. God is our only Rescuer. We are simply called to love, and for our family that looks like adoption. We are praying for God's mercy and protection over our little one's heart, mind, soul and body while we wait for her. We are praying that He begins to mold her heart, and prepare her heart to be able to bond with us. We pray that she will be able to accept our love and to one day be able to show love in return.

Little One,
Your big brother loves you so much already and talks about you often. How he will help you, and teach you things- like how to run fast and kick a ball. He is always wanting to buy you something. :)  He talks about where you will sit at the dinner table and how you might not know how to share- but that we will teach you. ;)
Mommy and Daddy love you too. It is amazing how you can love someone you've never met before, but it is true. You might not be growing in my tummy right now, but you are most definately growing in all of our hearts....

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