Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thoughts this morning...

This morning during Sunday School our teacher was teaching out of Esther. One thing he spoke of was how we should strive to glorify Christ in all we do. Well, my mind goes straight to our adoption (specifically our fundraising)- yes, I WAS listening, but my mind wandered for a moment ;). I start asking myself are we glorifying God in all that we do, including our adoption fundraising? hmmm...well, we are raising money to adopt a child into our family and that is a good thing! God loves adoption! He calls us to care for orphans and widows (through adoption, prayers, donation, etc...). However, the Bible also speaks of another adoption. Our adoption as believers. God FIRST loved us. He sent His Son to rescue us...ADOPT us. Jesus came to Earth and took on flesh, walking without sin, pefectly loving God the Father, perfectly loving us, dying a painful death on the cross, buried....RISEN!! ALIVE!! Why?? God knew we needed a Savior, a Rescuer, a Redeemer. We can not earn salvation on our own. Even on our best day, we are sinful. Through our faith in Christ, as we turn from our sins, and trust in Him as our Savior, we become Heirs. We are ADOPTED. Not by our own works, but by FAITH.

"and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him." Romans 8:17

"he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will" Ephesians 1:5

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world" James 1:27

Ok, back to my thoughts in Sunday School. :) I realized that at times, as we work on our fundraising projects, I sometimes lose sight of what this is all about. Oh, I never forget that it is to help us bring home our new little one. I also know our fundraising is good and necessary, but it is about more than that. At times I become focused on getting donation items, how to store items, finding the best yard sale tips, how many puzzle pieces we have, or working on our new crosses we are making. While all of that is good, none of that really matters unless, God is being glorified through all of it. This shouldn't simply be about us. This should be about God, and striving to glorify him through our adoption process. God our Father, who first loved us, as believers adopted us! He sent His own Son to die for us... glorifying Him is what this should all be about.

We have been tremendously blessed by donation items for our yardsale, and puzzle pieces being bought. We are so thankful and humbled. I just ask and pray that when you think of our adoption, or donate items for our yardsale, or purchase a puzzle piece, you don't simply think of us. I pray that you think of our little one, I pray you think of all orphans worldwide (all 147,000,000), I pray you think of God's call to care for orphans, and mostly I pray you see how God first loved us. I pray you see that He wants us to come to Him, and trust in Him as our Savior. I pray you see how we too were once orphans, but as believers, we are ADOPTED, heirs of God, and that He is glorified.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right about training our thoughts. I, too, forget sometimes that the beauty of adoption is that we were once orphans, too. Thank you for the reminder. I am praying for y'all and sweet baby Bailey. We can't wait to meet him or her. :)
